
Quadrotor helicopter

Languages: C (with Arduino extensions)
Powered by an Arduino Mega. Designed and built from scratch.

Custom flight control board powered by an Arduino Mega. Designed and built from scratch. The summer after graduating high school, I built a quadcopter to familiarize myself with low-level programming and hardware concepts. I learned about a lot more than that, which you can read about here.

Music library management scripts

Languages: Python
Suite of python utlities to manage an iTunes library on Linux

I don't use an iPod anymore, but my media is all still managed in iTunes. I wrote a python script that can export iTunes playlists to arbitrary formats (it reads from templates; m3u is included but writing one for another playlist format is rather simple). It can also do some basic analysis of library contents, such as listing all artists with fewer than a certain number of songs. Since I wrote this to use my library on an ext4 filesystem, it also case-sensitizes filepaths since iTunes likes to record case-incorrect filepaths because NTFS and HFS+ let it.

This website

Languages: HTML, CSS
Personal webpage and portfolio

There's nothing technically interesting about this site. It's handwritten static HTML and CSS. But! It's functional, and not Javascript-dependent! The theme is gray and drab, like my personality.

Work projects

Languages: PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript
Web development at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams

The development I do at FRIB is all internal, so it can't really be exhibited in a portfolio. I work with our SharePoint site, writing PowerShell and clientside Javascript, and with an internally-developed website utilizing the MVC paradigm in PHP.